My whole life is just a mere journey of finding love, but lately, it feels like I have a massive burden settled on my shoulders. While I do believe that love is great, I have never gotten myself to taste the slightest of it.
I’m about to say the cheesiest line ever, but everything changed when we crossed paths. It must be my luck that day, or is it just fate? Either way, it’s always been you. I yearned and longed for someone like you. My heart, my soul, even all of my being wants you.
I want to wake up to your messy bedhead every morning, then cook breakfast for the both of us while you feed the cats. I want to iron your clothes, then spray your favorite scent all over it. I want to pack a lunchbox for you, then put little notes inside it so you’ll smile when you open it. I want to fix your tie, brush your hair, and kiss you goodbye before you go to work. And on weekends, I want to go grocery shopping with you. I want to compare the prices between different stores and laugh at how expensive kitchen staples ingredients are. I want to stroll around with our hands intertwined. I want to close the blinds and lower the temperature of the AC before we bask in each other’s warmth under the sheets. I want to unwind with you. I want you to come home to me. I want to fall in love with you and do the routine all over again until the day I breathe my last. I want you. I want you with all my heart, my soul, and all of my being.
Written between the chaos going on in my Twitter timeline because of 231120 Wonwoo ♡